Positions and their Guidelines

Each Responsible Adult (RA) is responsible for 10 students. You will be given a checklist for your students to initial at periodic intervals as listed in the itinerary. Please report any absences or problems to the director.

Bus Riders – There should be at least two RA’s on each bus. A list of riders will be provided in order to check who is supposed to be on each bus. The bus driver will present a set of rules for the trip before leaving. The RA’s should see that these rules are followed. Upon arriving at the location, two RA’s should get off and remain with the students. The other two should stay with the busses to see where they will be parked. It will be the responsibility of the latter RA’s to meet the band at the end of the parade route and direct the director and students to the bus location. One should lead the director and students in the proper direction while the other serves as a “caboose”, being sure all the students know where they are going. Upon returning to school, the RA’s should check the bus for cleanliness before releasing the students.

Water Carriers –water bottles need to be transported from the band room and placed in one of the busses or in the designated RA’s car. The RA’s are responsible for having the bottles with them during the parade route. At the direction of the director, the bottles will be quickly handed out to the students. Gather the water bottles as quickly as possible, in case the band needs to move on. Water carriers should march single-file along with the band on the opposite side of the street from the judging stands. Do not enter the performance area until after the judging is done. Continue until the end of the parade. Distribute water bottles at the end of the parade, until it is time to leave. Be sure to get the bottles back on the busses and then into the band room upon returning to school.

Uniform Checkers – Be sure all students in your group are completely dressed before warm-up. Make sure everyone has his or her shako (hat) or beret, and gloves. Be sure that they have both gauntlets. All band members’ hair must be off their jacket collar. RA’s should double check the hair and help those who may need help with bobby pins. Pants need to be checked for hem length. The bottom of the pants should touch the top of the shoe, no flooding or sagging. There are snaps built into the pants, which means adjustment will be easy to do. Shoes need to be checked during formation. Use shoe polish, if necessary, but be very careful not to get any polish on the pants. They need to be clean and the laces tied. If the laces are too long, they may be tucked into the shoes to avoid tripping. Check for clean white gloves.

Plume Patrol – RA’s will hand out plumes to each band member after the rest of their uniform has been put on. To save wear and tear, plumes need to be handed out at the last possible moment before entering parade competition. Immediately after the parade competition, RA’s will collect plumes and place them back in their tubes in the plume case. Plumes will be used during the field show when the style of music calls for it. Plumes can not be cleaned, therefore it is important to handle plumes by the cup or wire base. Always insert or remove plumes from headwear by holding the metal cup at the base. It is important to note the direction of the feathers when re-tubing or removing plumes. For plumes that droop or fountain, always insert the top first and remove by pushing the plume through from the wire end.

Field/Pit Crew – These RA’s will help set up and remove the pit percussion, drum major podium, and any other props or equipment used during the field show, at football games and competitions. Because there is a time limit to set up, perform, and exit the field, more help would be greatly appreciated.

Equipment Managers – RA’s will help pack logistic/barbecue equipment onto the support vehicles, such as a van, trailer, or truck. It is the students’ responsibility to store instruments, uniforms, and other equipment under the busses or onto any other support vehicles, such as the truck or trailer. Typically, space is limited, so the largest equipment needs to be packed first. Packing is to be done before the busses leave the school, upon arrival at the rehearsal/performance destination, after the rehearsal/performance, and upon arrival back at the school.

Designated Driver – This RA needs to drive his/her own vehicle to the performance location and be available in case of emergencies. Park the car as close to the busses as possible to allow for communication, particularly at departure time.

RA Do’s and Dont’s

1. Don’t talk to band members during the performance.

  • a. Don’t give commands to the band during performance. The Drum Major is in charge, and hearing extra commands only serves to confuse the band.
  • b. Don’t correct band members or try to fix their alignment during parade.

2. When checking uniforms, don’t comment on any student’s body size or type. They are at an age where their self-image is very fragile, and can easily be hurt by comments such as “Wow, it sure is hard to get you (safety) pinned up!” or “Your uniform is too small/big for you.”

3. Don’t yell at non-band students who try to enter the band area of the bleachers, at football games. Just point out that it would be safer for our equipment if they went around, and that the band would appreciate that.

1. Do find restrooms when we arrive at our destination on the busses, so that the band members will know where they are located.

2. Do cheer on the band and encourage them to do their best. Depending on where we go, sometimes you are our only cheerleaders.

3. Do act calmly before a performance, as the students will have enough stress to deal with and may not yet know how to handle it.

4. Do tell spectators and audience that we are from Fremont, if asked.

5. Do make yourself available for any last-minute emergencies that band members may have. This means staying close to the band, especially if you have the first aid kit/backpack or extra uniform parts backpack.

6. Do realize that the students are proud of you and happy that you came on the trip, even if they don’t say it out loud.

RA Procedure

1. The week of a weekend trip students should take home an itinerary of the activity, which will include any special directions and maps. This information will also be posted online at the website.

2. Have as many volunteers (as bus riders, water carriers, etc.) to serve as “Responsible Adults” (RAs) for a ratio of 1 RA to 10 students. These RAs will be given a checklist of items that they will be responsible for the morning of the trip, along with a list of those students they will responsible for, a check-in list for these students and updated itinerary.

3. Use a minimum of 2 RAs on each bus. A list of “bus rules” should be explained to the students so the bus ride will be tolerable for all. No radios-headphones only!! No eating on the buses, unless allowed by bus drivers. Students are to clean up any and all litter.

4. Have a separate RA car going ‘with’ the buses to use as back up, or for emergencies. This vehicle and driver should be as close to the parked buses as possible. Driver should be available to the group during the entire outing in case of emergencies. If students should get lost and not found by the scheduled time to leave, this RA car would stay behind and continue to search while the buses return to school.

5. The itinerary should have specific times and locations listed so everyone knows where he or she is to be at certain times. Students should check in with their respective RAs at the appropriate times with the understanding that if they are late, their grade will be lowered. No excuses.

6. Eat as a group in a specific location. Either all bring lunches or all buy lunches or find a situation where they can do both. The main object is to be in the same area and not wandering all around. More recently, the BPO have been able to provide meals.

7. Have a phone number in Fremont available to answer calls as to the expected arrival time of the buses. Make sure that parents are aware of this system! Make sure the parents are aware of when to pick up their student. Don’t depend on a phone call. All students should be picked up within a half hour of returning to school!!!

8. Upon returning to school, make sure the buses are clean before the students are let off. Students should be responsible for getting all the instruments back into the band room.